The Lot is Full! Should A lot remain a privilege for upperclassmen?

The Lot is Full! Should A lot remain a privilege for upperclassmen?

Peyton LaMartina, '22 ALT Journalism Student

Tensions between MICDS seniors and underclassmen rise as the quantity of sophomores parking in A lot has drastically increased in the past year. For years, there has been the widely understood rule that A lot is reserved for upperclassmen and faculty parking while underclassmen are expected to park in C lot by the MAC.

Current senior Kate Oliver feels strongly about the fact that A lot parking should be a privilege earned over time. “I parked in C lot everyday and I hated walking through the rain and snow, but it’s part of being an underclassman,” explains Kate.

While present seniors experienced the C lot rite of passage, current underclassmen have been failing to respect tradition. Part of A lot’s appeal is the upperclassmen privilege to park there in the first place. Seniors in the class of 2022 continue to voice their discontentment. During the COVID-19 pandemic and hybrid learning, only half of the student body was learning in person at a time. Therefore, there were enough spots available in A lot and the sophomores did not have to park in C lot. This habit has carried on into the current 2021-2022 school year.

There are over 450 students between the sophomore, junior, and senior classes, but only 351 parking spaces. As a result, sophomores parking wherever they please presents logistical problems beyond merely frustrating juniors and seniors.

When asked about friends parking in A lot, sophomore Ben Iken recalled, “pretty much all of my friends have parked in A lot before.”

In explaining why she thought some sophomores have started parking in A lot at extremely high rates, Kate feels that “they don’t appear to feel any pressure to do the right thing.” Next steps to solving this problem are figuring out stronger ways to regulate who is permitted to park where without frustrating students. Kate points out that “stricter enforcement by deans would be extremely helpful” and suggests that sophomores “should receive parking tickets.”

There have been numerous announcements in upper school assemblies encouraging sophomores to park
in their designated parking lot. Additionally, upperclassmen rarely hesitate to express their disapproval if they notice a sophomore inhabiting an A lot parking space.

Ben thinks “there is a better alternative to C lot since parking there is such an inconvenience” for his sophomore classmates.

The goal right now is finding a way to please both the upperclassmen and sophomore drivers while also maintaining the tradition of A lot parking being an upperclassman privilege.